Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Things you might not know...

  • My name is Shani but people call me Shunka, Nicki, L’amour, Shnix, Shanne.
  • I will be 24 in March.
  • I was born in Karlskrona (Sweden)and now live in London with my boyfriend (French) and another flat-mate.
  • In the future I want to live in the US perhaps, but I would like to return to Sweden.
  • I study International Business with Spanish.
  • In my spare time I usually study or go for walks in London, but I would also like to go to the cinema and to art exhibitions more often…and to read more books.
  • This time next year I am working at a company that does something really interesting.
  • I would like to be world champion in …God…I don’t need to be champion in anything, what’s important is to improve and advance.
  • I would have liked to have invented the wheel.
  • I would like to invent windscreen wipers for glasses…or a time-machine.
  • Anne Hathaway plays me in the film about myself, because she looks good in glasses, and she can play an ugly duckling/dork/determined and passionate carrier woman.
  • In ten years I think that I have a small family, a decent job and a lovely place to live in.
  • I feel happy when I get to spend time with people I love, the sun shines, people are helpful, cars stop to let you cross the road, when I succeed in something that was a real struggle…lots of things… you are so much happier if you rejoice over small things.
  • I get angry when I encounter unfairness or violence, or when people don’t listen.
  • I have stopped wearing all my lovely jewelry (need to start again) and started neglecting doing sports (in my defense my health has been really unlucky this year)
  • I collect…languages (if 5 count as a collection?)
  • I am proud of anyone I know who fight for something they want or believe in, or anyone I love who dares to dream or be a visionary.
  • My role models are most of the people who I feel close to because they possess an admirable quality of some kind that I either don’t have or don’t have enough of.
  • My dream profession is to be an author but it would also be a lot of fun to organize and coordinate things in a creative or multicultural enterprise.

My favorite:

  • Food: Plenty of things…but I do love deserts
  • Country: Ah…this is a though one, I have three natural loyalties Sweden (born and raised + my father is Swedish), Israel (Israeli mother and a big and loving family), France (boyfriend is French…and Paris really is ‘my’ city).
  • Expression: 'Finns det hjärterum så finns det stjärterum', Swedish for: if there is room in the heart there is room for the ass as well.
  • TV-series: Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, Friends
  • Song: For lyrics: If it be your will – Leonard Cohen…but ah…there are so many
  • Team: Sweden?...not really big on the sports
  • Lie: When something is really bad: Good is not the word for it!
  • Garment: Underwear…that’s pretty basic, then it depends on the mood
  • Web-page: Google
  • Person: Pff…I can’t choose that…my winner-stand fits a lot of people in first-place.
  • Animal: If I have to choose a dolphin or a horse, I prefer people to animals
  • Shop: Ordning & Reda

Tell me something about you...?


mich said...

Michelle likes this.

Fantastiska svar, jag började skratta, fick tårar i ögonen och började längta efter dig - på samma gång!

Shani said...

Gulle! jag saknar dig me...tycker mig ha läst att du blixt-visiterar London ^^??