Saturday, June 6, 2009

From one structure fetishist to another

A few weeks ago I was finishing off a group report at university. Now I am the kind of person who takes great pleasure and seeing a finished report, not only because it’s in fact, done but because I like seeing structures; headlines, paragraphs and every other component that makes a report look neat and accessible (not to speak of language use and sentence structure, which is a different story altogether).

Also mentionable is that, although my ex-flat mate claims with conviction that I have an innate resistance to anything that is potentially addictive, I do occasionally (or realistically quite often) splurge in chocolate. Addictive or not, but chocolate is a life necessity.

Sitting in the computer lab, working on the finishing touches, I lean over to look at V’s screen:
Me: Oh, do you also use the automatic index function in word?
V: Ohh yes!
Me: Don’t you just love it??
V: Mhmm!
Me: The best moment is when you press the button and the index just appears, all nice and organized
V: I know, isn’t it great?!
Me: It’s like chocolate!
V: (laughing)
V: (2 minutes later….still laughing?)
Me: I know, I’m a bit wacky
V: (still laughing….and I’m sure there was a tear or two) I’m the SAME way!
Me: (laughing) So that’s why you’re laughing?
V: (laughing and nodding)
Me: (thinking it’s actually quite a relief to not be alone with my abnormality)

The report turned out really well… two structure fetishists on one report (!!). If that’s not organized what is?

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