Saturday, May 9, 2009


I've followed the lead of Van Gogh and Picasso, and finally gotten a Moleskine planner. I always saw myself having one, don't know why I never got it. A Moleskine feels a bit like an artistic statement, maybe it will inspire me, and make my words flow (?).

Also, to the dismay of my boyfriend, I spent close to an hour walking up and down the shelves of a book-store. I know, I know, what a patient boyfriend, right?! Funny thing is, small decisions always leave me at a crossroads, doubtful and anxious, while big decisions, like moving abroad, or choosing a university, I always make with preparation, speed and intuition. I should really learn more from myself...

It will last me until the end of 2010, my Moleskine. So, I feel like I bought just a nano-piece of my future, or at I can plan for it. Because God knows I LOVE planning. Let's hope for some big dreams, luck and inspiration; now that I'm Moleskinned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

moleskin planners are the best!!