Sunday, September 21, 2008

...and it's a long way home

Well, here I am again; in transit at an airport. Half way around the world (not that far really) and nowhere near going back again. It's a situation that brings to mind things to appreciate. Kind of as a survival strategy to keep yourself smiling during the six hours to be spent (and being spent) on a hard wodden-chair in a bare and impersonal café at La Parra (Barcelona).

Having had quite a tomultuous pre-departure week, the small things are what come to mind; My fathers childhood-stories of comical disasters, positive feedback at work, the smell of my mothers freshly-baked bread on a Saturday morning and then the act of remembering. We all appreciate being remembered and it doesn't take a lot. It is plenty having an instructor at the gym remember his promise to make you an exertube-programme, and delivering with excellence (pictures, instructions, schedule and even a motivational letter). And it is defenitly a good feeling apprehending the excitment of someone remembering your arrival when you suspect you have been forgotten.

In short, remembrance is a good thing to smile about...both the people that I remember and those who remember me. Again it's small acts really, the fact that I have a snickers-bar in my bag is evidence in itself, it was a departure-gift. So I can smile because someone remembered... and I didn't forget.


Anonymous said...

Fantastiskt att du också har en blogg ju. Jag tycker det är svårt att hålla igång den, eftersom jag inte skriver. Men jag ska läsa din. Keep up the good work. KRAM!

Rebecca said...

I remember you often!! and I'm super jealous that you are back in Cadiz!
muchisimos besitos!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this little text. It is the little things that are the most important, the people we know and the little memories we carry around with us. I believe you are way more remembered then you think!!! Don't ever doubt it!!