After an intense start to this year; moving, searching, moving, unpacking, constructing (built half an IKEA-catalogue in my new flat) a stubborn flu and finally, starting to study, a lot of things began to suffer, my weight for one…and my shape as well.
So today I went to the gym, got myself a good deal, new program and health check every six weeks; meaning I will actually be able to read my muscle increase (as opposed to just feeling it). All values were good, but my general shape was fair, according to their unproportional scale (and no, it was not I who gave that denomination to the scale, but rather the trainer, who said she never ever gets any one on the top of the scale).
Fair enough I thought, I’ve been out of rhythm for a while, away from exercise and movement. I’m in fair shape, which only leaves room for improvement. Improvement is encouraging…and encouragement is motivating and motivation is just what I need to pull this semester off.
Fair is enough, because it can really only get better.
Voltage Regulator Schematics
10 months ago
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