Monday, June 29, 2009

The hills are alive

Up on Hampstead Heath with a great view of London
(I know...I'm really's a work in progress)

...and on the other side of the hill it's just green...good for a change, breathing some new oxygen

... an iPal is a good pal, and entertaining picnic associate

Chasing away animals lurking in the grass...

Soduko in the sun :)

Spying on the neighbour (?)

I've heard of flying saucers...but never flying sausages. Can anyone tell me what that is??

And the clouds came roaming in... and I can't resist saying it...SEE!! Every cloud has a silver lining.

And then the storm came...massive drops...thank god for tube stations and good timing.

No one was spared, after a Bakerloo train ride, out of the ordinary, where water was leaking in from every possible direction, we took out our blanket for cover and made our way home.

As a routined londonian I should know by now to ALWAYS bring an umbrella, but I like to be an optimist, and as you say in Swedish: 'Alla sätt är bra utom de dåliga' - 'All ways are good except for the bad ones'.

Apart from this not being a very dry adventure... It was actually a real laugh.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Verbally positive is practically optimistic…?

A week or so ago I was walking with my loving other along the southern banks of the Thames. At a specific passage there were a lot of street performers; bronze-painted, gold-painted, and even lizard-painted (?). However there was one specific performer, who, sadly, attracted more of my pity than my attention; through a plastic ‘transport-cage’ for dogs, this man had stuck his head, painted like a Dalmatian with floppy ears, while hiding his body underneath the table where the cage was posed. To ‘add some spice’ he had attached a wagging tail to the back of the ‘canine container’, thus spending his days barking through the small opening of the cage to make a living for himself.

This being a situation which could obviously not go un-commented by my standards, I turn to my boyfriend and say (in French):
That’s what I call desperation (using the very same word in French).
Whereby he says to me (also in French):
It’s not desperation it’s désespoir
And then he smiles and says:
…but it’s no surprise you don’t know that word, you don’t ever use those kinds of words (referring to what I would entitle ‘negative vocabulary’)

All of this goes back to a discussion we had earlier that day where he confessed that words such as enthusiastic or practical had so far been words ‘of mine’ to invade his active vocabulary.

This simple fact makes me smile for a number of reasons:

One, there is truth to the Swedish saying: ‘Man blir som man umgås’ equivalent to you become like the people you spend your time with.

Two… I really don’t use a lot of negatively ringing words. I tend to go with possible, energy, solution, enthusiasm, belief, goodness, positivity. Still I don’t think I come across as naïve, I am a realist, but an optimistic one.

Three… The vocabulary you use in many ways reflects your world view. If you are positive you will perhaps believe in helpful people, in sincere caring and in true friends. This of course doesn’t mean that you are not careful or aware of risk, but rather that you see the glass half full and not half empty.

If you, on the other hand, are a negative person, maybe you use words such as horrible, idiot or problem a lot, and you tend to use your words to draw up disastrous scenarios, full of betrayal, forgetfulness and unaccommodating attitudes.

So the words paint your world. In what color? It’s up to you. Language and attitude is ultimately merely a self-fulfilling prophesy. What you believe is what you create. Similarly your perspective guides your choices and helps you rebuild the verbal and concrete world wherein you feel comfortable, be it a dark or a light one.

Your words are used to describe what you see, and so accordingly if your concept world is positive, the verbal structures describing it are much along the same lines and vice versa.

Hence your vocabulary use greatly mirrors your practical world perspective, it does not shape your actions, your attitude and belief does, but it describes them. The words you use in that sense become a reflection of who you are.

Of course, a lot comes into language; intonation, gestures and meaningful gazes. But only from the actual words used, irrespective of what accompanies them, a lot could be told. So I, who am verbally positive…am I inevitably practically optimistic?

What words do you use?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Things you might not know...

  • My name is Shani but people call me Shunka, Nicki, L’amour, Shnix, Shanne.
  • I will be 24 in March.
  • I was born in Karlskrona (Sweden)and now live in London with my boyfriend (French) and another flat-mate.
  • In the future I want to live in the US perhaps, but I would like to return to Sweden.
  • I study International Business with Spanish.
  • In my spare time I usually study or go for walks in London, but I would also like to go to the cinema and to art exhibitions more often…and to read more books.
  • This time next year I am working at a company that does something really interesting.
  • I would like to be world champion in …God…I don’t need to be champion in anything, what’s important is to improve and advance.
  • I would have liked to have invented the wheel.
  • I would like to invent windscreen wipers for glasses…or a time-machine.
  • Anne Hathaway plays me in the film about myself, because she looks good in glasses, and she can play an ugly duckling/dork/determined and passionate carrier woman.
  • In ten years I think that I have a small family, a decent job and a lovely place to live in.
  • I feel happy when I get to spend time with people I love, the sun shines, people are helpful, cars stop to let you cross the road, when I succeed in something that was a real struggle…lots of things… you are so much happier if you rejoice over small things.
  • I get angry when I encounter unfairness or violence, or when people don’t listen.
  • I have stopped wearing all my lovely jewelry (need to start again) and started neglecting doing sports (in my defense my health has been really unlucky this year)
  • I collect…languages (if 5 count as a collection?)
  • I am proud of anyone I know who fight for something they want or believe in, or anyone I love who dares to dream or be a visionary.
  • My role models are most of the people who I feel close to because they possess an admirable quality of some kind that I either don’t have or don’t have enough of.
  • My dream profession is to be an author but it would also be a lot of fun to organize and coordinate things in a creative or multicultural enterprise.

My favorite:

  • Food: Plenty of things…but I do love deserts
  • Country: Ah…this is a though one, I have three natural loyalties Sweden (born and raised + my father is Swedish), Israel (Israeli mother and a big and loving family), France (boyfriend is French…and Paris really is ‘my’ city).
  • Expression: 'Finns det hjärterum så finns det stjärterum', Swedish for: if there is room in the heart there is room for the ass as well.
  • TV-series: Grey’s Anatomy, Scrubs, Friends
  • Song: For lyrics: If it be your will – Leonard Cohen…but ah…there are so many
  • Team: Sweden?...not really big on the sports
  • Lie: When something is really bad: Good is not the word for it!
  • Garment: Underwear…that’s pretty basic, then it depends on the mood
  • Web-page: Google
  • Person: Pff…I can’t choose that…my winner-stand fits a lot of people in first-place.
  • Animal: If I have to choose a dolphin or a horse, I prefer people to animals
  • Shop: Ordning & Reda

Tell me something about you...?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Modern version fakir?

This is my bed of nails. It's supposed to help relax my tense back, improve my blood circulation and my sleep. Never did I think achieving these things would require becoming a fakir.

10 minutes is all I was allowed to do today, and quite frankly my back looked fairly traumatised; red and warm and full of little dents and dimples (what else would you expect from a bed of nails?)

However bad this may sound I have only to admit that I felt a strange feeling of ease throughout the entire back. So I'm giving it a try for a few days. I'm hoping I can pack it down and bring it to London and that it will salvage me from stress, tenderness and pain. If so, ten minutes of warm stinging ache and discomfort will be an insignificant price to pay.

So here I am, sold on portable masochism (?)...on a small nail mattress, like a modern day fakir.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Lesson from Thai massage

If there is one thing getting a Thai massage can teach you, it is to never underestimate a woman... Small can still be equal to strong... even very strong.

Kvinnor kan! (Women can!)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stray luggage

Travelling is this happy yet melancholic event; rainy walks to the bus-stop, waiting at cold train-stations, tearful good-byes at the airport. And then, the joyous arrivals, the warm welcomes, the comfort and the love.

Nonetheless, voyages in all their glory, they still have that one element of unavoidable impatience; waiting.

Checking in, you will always get in the 'wrong' line; the one which, as per chance, takes the most time. So, despite being sleep-deprived and in general having difficulties upholding your posture and perky disposition, there is still that moment of leaning gently on your suitcase, and at the same time observing all lines next to you move in express pace, while your's is seemingly advancing in slow motion.

Security, lets not even start; put your liquids in a bag, take your belt and jacket off, remove your laptop from your bag, take your shoes off (?), go throught the detector, get body searched if you are unlucky (three times if its not your day, none otherwise). The fun part comes after that; put everything on fast enough not to block the flow of people coming after you.

God, by the time you get to the tax free, you feel like you've come to paradise. Here there are two scenarios; one: you rush through the stores, and after 40 minutes you realise there is a final call for your gate. Two: you have ridiculous amounts of time to spend at the airport, and after your second tour of all the stores you start to feel slightly irritated that your gate hasn't even been announced yet.

Eventually on the plane, there are a few ways to go; none ideal, all possible. Either you fall asleep before the plane has even pulled out, or it feels like an eternity before it actually does. When you are going to your destination time can pass fairly quickly; it's exciting and thrilling and you can't wait to get there. However, going home is either a necessary evil or conversely; something you really desire (either way you are in for, what feels like a very long jurney).

Finally, the moment is there, when the cellphones start ringing again; halfway out of the aircraft and everyone is already on a par with your every step. But, not to forget is that little appendix, that you always bring along, your luggage, for which... you have to wait.

Without exception, you will see that strand of stray luggage; one bag which is shining new, not even a scratch to it, the trendy version of traveling, then another bag which you can understand someone might not want to claim; torn, old or other, it's one that doesn't look valid for travelling. A third one is the well travelled suitcase, the one with a few old stickers and some bumps and scratches (that looks like it has a life apart from it's owner). Occationally there is the odd large hard samsonite with one of those belts around, or that has been aggressively wrapped in plastic (that looks impossible to open). And sometimes, just sometimes, a part of a trolley or a toy rotates around and around, all the while some poor baby will be missing their means of transportation.

I am not the one waiting anymore, my silver titan slides up infront of me. Yet someone somewhere, is still waiting; stray people, lost from their luggage, stray luggage waiting for their owner. Someone will have to journey without their luggage, continue without their extention... and continue to wait while the stray find their way home... because they always do, no?.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

From one structure fetishist to another

A few weeks ago I was finishing off a group report at university. Now I am the kind of person who takes great pleasure and seeing a finished report, not only because it’s in fact, done but because I like seeing structures; headlines, paragraphs and every other component that makes a report look neat and accessible (not to speak of language use and sentence structure, which is a different story altogether).

Also mentionable is that, although my ex-flat mate claims with conviction that I have an innate resistance to anything that is potentially addictive, I do occasionally (or realistically quite often) splurge in chocolate. Addictive or not, but chocolate is a life necessity.

Sitting in the computer lab, working on the finishing touches, I lean over to look at V’s screen:
Me: Oh, do you also use the automatic index function in word?
V: Ohh yes!
Me: Don’t you just love it??
V: Mhmm!
Me: The best moment is when you press the button and the index just appears, all nice and organized
V: I know, isn’t it great?!
Me: It’s like chocolate!
V: (laughing)
V: (2 minutes later….still laughing?)
Me: I know, I’m a bit wacky
V: (still laughing….and I’m sure there was a tear or two) I’m the SAME way!
Me: (laughing) So that’s why you’re laughing?
V: (laughing and nodding)
Me: (thinking it’s actually quite a relief to not be alone with my abnormality)

The report turned out really well… two structure fetishists on one report (!!). If that’s not organized what is?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cleaning coma

This morning I felt like four months of stress just dropped on my head. Yesterday I had my last exam, and already towards the evening I started feeling like someone had seriously done my head in, to the point where I felt dizzy and started doubting my ability to walk down even the widest staircase.

Having woken up at ten o’clock this morning, it took me until 14.30 to actually set foot outside the bedroom door, or on the floor in general for that matter (and it’s ok for me to do that! Wow! Can’t believe it…).

I managed to get through this semester, flues, bronchitis, infections and all, and now I just felt like….blahhh, empty. It was a rough one, towards the end it started to feel like the more things I tried to put into my head, the more came out of it, is there such a thing as knowledge retention, honestly?? Indeed, there does come a point where you are so tired that nothing feels relevant anymore, its saddening really, to feel like what you do loses meaning.

Anyhow, once I actually got up, I got to making some food for myself and my boyfriend who was coming home (very hungry) between his shifts. That physical action alone took the life out of me, and as I was fairly unmotivated to force myself to do anything (because…I say it again: I didn’t have to!) I went back to bed and watched ridiculous episodes of series I’ve never seen before… as if in a coma.

Feeling that my day needed to have some kind of purpose, I started cleaning. Organized my papers and stowed them neatly in the shelf, I even put away my neon markers and retired my calendar, and THEN I got to cleaning, bedroom, bathroom, changing sheets and towels. Still feeling like in a coma….fairly detached from what I was doing. I EVEN ironed things that had been lying around for at least two months (because I never had the time, and my boyfriend, bless him, although he does a lot of things, does not iron).

And now I am actually wondering whether this was a cleansing coma, rather than a cleaning coma, admittedly I do feel just a tad more ready to take on the world again… Hello vacation!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Surprise, Surprise...

Willy Wonka says: ’The best kind of prize is a surprise’…and I couldn’t have said it better myself.

When I came out from my three hour (excruciatingly long and intense) Monday exam, my boyfriend greeted me with open arms and a picnic prepared in a backpack. 1st of June and lunch in the park, doesn’t really get any better.

I am a very lucky girl, to have someone make me a surprise picnic. Lucky and loved… still getting used to that luxury… I hope I never do.