When you study for a degree, everywhere you go you’re being judged and measured. Your efficiency level is being worked out and your capacity is being calculated. It’s a fairly tiresome thing.
But, you can always comfort yourself with the fact that at least people don’t relate to you with ambivalence, or shrug their shoulders in ignorance when you pass by.
I don’t know, today I would have preferred not to know, and stayed blissfully ignorant and motivated; because this semester, every teacher on the program seems to have it in for us. Hard work and devotion can fly out the window, it hardly matters what you do; the good grades appear to be lagging behind.
Today came the point where he limit was reached. Not only me, but a fair share of people felt cheated by the system. I know, fair doesn’t exist, in this life you have to fight for what you want (hence the vast negotiation of grades throughout the semester). A reasonable reward for a strong effort is apparently not to be taken for granted.
I can accept that teachers critique the extent of my work or point out the insufficiency of my analysis, but when I get evaluated by my peers only to get downgraded by the system, there is no way I am keeping quiet.
An absurd amount of exercises in university promote competitiveness; that is one thing, another is to punish team-work. Many will not be estranged to the scenario of carrying somebody else’s workload when working in a team, nor will they be unfamiliar with the feeling that this effort goes un-noticed. Well in this evaluation it didn’t, great! However what happened to the balanced groups? When you pulled your weight in a strong group, what you got was ZERO!
Now, this girl is not one to stay quiet, I don’t expect anyone to drop justice in my lap. Module leader got a civilized mouthful….is how I would describe it: it’s disappointing really that an institution that is supposed to prepare you for a successful professional path will create a situation where elitism is preferred over team-work and where consistency and coordination is ignored. Why would they want people to take on a manipulative attitude to group-creation? Choosing groups which will make you shine and get you ahead, due to their insufficiencies, rather than choose to combine fantastic resources to learn, evolve and advance.
An idealist to the marrow, I know….I know… But I like to think, I was the first of many e-mails that will be flowing in… Maybe now that I have gotten this of my chest…I will be able to continue to study
It’s phenomenal really how much you can do and how little you can get for it… unbelievable….fantastically unfair
Cross your fingers x
Voltage Regulator Schematics
10 months ago